The Examination for the Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) was developed by the ASPPB to assist in the evaluation of applicants in granting licensing and certification. The EPPP is a multiple-choice test consisting of 225 questions, 175 of which are scored, and 50 of which are unscored, pre-test questions. To help reduce your anxiety about the EPPP, we share the most helpful and proven preparation tips. Good luck!
Approximately 10% of the EPPP exam is made up of questions focused on the Biological Bases of Behavior. This includes knowledge of the biological and neural bases of behavior, psychopharmacology, and the methodologies supporting this body of knowledge.
On the day of the exam, candidates must arrive 30 minutes prior to their test appointment and must have all required documents in their possession (a valid, government-issued, photo ID as well as an alternate form of ID with a name and signature. The names on these documents must match exactly with the Authorization-to-Test letter). The EPPP is administered under standardized conditions in accordance with procedures established by Pearson VUE for all their testing centers.
Our EPPP program is customized to make sure your exam day is stress-free.
Dr. Taylor and his colleagues at TSM have assisted countless candidates prepare for and pass their EPPP over the last 16 years. Now we look forward to being part of the most important EPPP success story of all…Yours!
Very well. A significant number of TSM Members pass on their first attempt. New Members who had failed the EPPP prior to using TSM, experience a 110-point improvement in their EPPP score after studying with our Method. Consistently, our members' practice exam scores and their actual EPPP scores are only 3 or 4 points apart…no surprises when you use TSM!
We were committed to make EPPP preparation accessible to everyone. Subscription based membership allows the ultimate in flexibility and affordability for our members without them having to pick and choose the particular components they think they may need. With TSM, you get all of us for as long as you need us, and you only pay for the time you use.
You certainly have every right to study how you choose; but we highly recommend studying the domains and study sessions in the order they are presented, according to your level of content mastery, identified through your Initial Assessment Exam. This is what makes the Method customized.