Full Program

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TSM Full EPPP Program

Our testing program was built for the highest comprehension and most complete retention so you’ll be prepared on exam day.

$299 to get started

TSM Full EPPP Program

Our testing program was built for the highest comprehension and most complete retention so you’ll be prepared on exam day.

$299 to get started

TSM Full
EPPP Program

Our testing program was built for the highest comprehension and most complete retention so you’ll be prepared on exam day.

$299 to get started

Tools for Success

Initial Assessment Exam

The TSM program starts with our full-length EPPP Initial Assessment Exam. Your custom study plan is built off performance on the assessment exam and available time to study.

Online Learning Incorporating Critical EPPP Content

From the beginning to the end, our tested theories of learning, memory, and recall are integrated into your EPPP study experience. Study sessions are designed to fit into even the busiest lifestyles; each can be completed in about an hour.

Access to over 3,800 Practice Exam Questions

Test your knowledge and exam readiness with unlimited access to full-length practice exams.

Our Pass Guarantee

TSM’s Pass Guarantee means you can study with confidence. Successfully complete the full program curriculum and if you don't pass the exam, we will extend your access free of charge.

Tools for Success

Initial Assessment Exam

The TSM program starts with our full-length EPPP Initial Assessment Exam. Your custom study plan is built off performance on the assessment exam and available time to study.

Online Learning Incorporating Critical EPPP Content

From the beginning to the end, our tested theories of learning, memory, and recall are integrated into your EPPP study experience. Study sessions are designed to fit into even the busiest lifestyles; each can be completed in about an hour.

Access to over 3,800 Practice Exam Questions

Test your knowledge and exam readiness with unlimited access to full-length practice exams.

Our Pass Guarantee

TSM’s Pass Guarantee means you can study with confidence. Successfully complete the full program curriculum and if you don't pass the exam, we will extend your access free of charge.

A Better Way of Learning

Customized to You

The TSM program is customized based on your performance and needs.

Organized Study

TSM's 160 lessons are presented in one-hour study sessions designed to promote learning and retention.


TSM provides content review and practice across various modes: written content, visuals, audio, key term breakdown, and question-based practice.

Complete Exam Readiness

Receive a structured final review so you know when you're ready to sit for the exam.

Support Along the Way

Coaching Sessions

After completing your Initial Assessment Exam, schedule your live Coaching Session, included with your subscription. Our expert coach will orient you to the TSM program, discuss how the EPPP is organized and formatted, review your assessment exam results, walk you through a study session, and answer any questions you have regarding your preparation.

Winning Mindset Strategies

Calm your exam anxiety and remain focused on your preparation. Exam readiness and winning mindset strategies will help your motivation and limit distractions.

Support Along the Way

Coaching Sessions

After completing your Initial Assessment Exam, schedule your live Coaching Session, included with your subscription. Our expert coach will orient you to the TSM program, discuss how the EPPP is organized and formatted, review your assessment exam results, walk you through a study session, and answer any questions you have regarding your preparation.

Winning Mindset Strategies

Calm your exam anxiety and remain focused on your preparation. Exam readiness and winning mindset strategies will help your motivation and limit distractions.

TSM is Not Just Exam Prep But A Community

The TSM team is here for you and offers technical support, content questions, study advice, help connecting with a study partner, and simply offering a friendly voice during this trying time! Join a professional, caring community that is with you throughout your EPPP journey and that is dedicated to your success.

Ready to Start Studying?

Full access to our entire TSM EPPP program, including 160 study sessions, over 3,800 EPPP-style questions, in-depth content review videos, key term breakdowns, and more!

$299 to get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Taylor and his colleagues at TSM have assisted thousands of candidates in preparing for and passing their EPPP over the last 25+ years. Now we look forward to being part of the most important EPPP success story of all - yours!

Very well. A significant number of TSM Members pass on their first attempt. New Members who had failed the EPPP prior to using TSM, experience a 110-point improvement in their EPPP score after studying with our Method. Consistently, our members' practice exam scores and their actual EPPP scores are only 3 or 4 points apart…no surprises when you use TSM!

We are committed to make EPPP preparation accessible to everyone. Subscription based membership allows the ultimate in flexibility and affordability for our members without them having to pick and choose the particular components they think they may need. With TSM, you get all of us for as long as you need us, and you only pay for the monthly time you use.

You certainly have every right to study how you choose; but we highly recommend studying the domains and study sessions in the order they are presented, according to your level of content mastery, identified through your Initial Assessment Exam. This is what makes the Method customized.