Does the EPPP seem shrouded in mystery? Don’t know where to begin? Not sure about the content areas tested on the exam? Worried about whether you’ll know when you’re ready to sit for the exam?
In this Essential Guide to the EPPP, we’ll answer these questions and shine some light on the specifics of your licensing
Unravel the EPPP, learn the specifics of the EPPP and the domains of the exam.
Get a 4-step process to register for your exam, plus a handy registration checklist!
Learn the 7 components of exam success, vital steps to success we've encountered.
Study correctly, figure out how you learn best and know your study options.
"I came from another study program and only had 6 weeks to pass the EPPP with my new job timeline. The Taylor Study Method took so much guess work out of studying. It outlines for you exactly what and how to pass the EPPP. Additionally, the included phone support and having someone to speak to really helped ease my anxiety levels. I had never failed a test before the EPPP and my test anxiety was very high. I went through the entire curriculum in 6 weeks and passed!"
—J. Grant